Sory la.lama tak post blog ni..
aku bz sejak sekian lama..
so korang yang berminat nak join post blog..silakan..
congrats siapa2 yang kawin, bertunang ke..ape ke..
siapa yang ade blog..sila post kat aku.
aku link kan korang punye blog dlm blog ni..
hopefully ramai contribute untuk hidupkan blog ni..
anyway..siapa nk suggest buat gathering 2010 ke..
heheh..yg dah berkeluarga tu..mesti boleh join punye..
ok beb..sory ape tersilap ke..gurau2 ke..
tak sempat nak inform dlm blog ni..
lastly good luck on 2010!
shay rahman (^_^)
Friday, 8 January 2010
Happy 2010 Grapfreak!
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Azney Hidayu & Haikal's Weeding Invitation
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
anil's open house + house warming
Video Ayuni Ibang~
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Wedding Invitation!!! Yunni Ibang n Zamri
ni map pun..inform kat email je..
silalah dtg..kalau kesempatan..kalau dah start keje tu.
boleh lah dtg hari sabtu..26/9/2009 (hari raya ke-7).
lagi satu kawan kita dah kawin..heheh..
congrats...and semoga bahagia..
dan selamat hari all... :)
any update just inform aku..
thanks ;)
-shay rahman-
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Jom Buke - Episod 2 - It's reality~ hehe

Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Jom Buke - Episod 2
Gathering Raya Vol-2
Ni gathering raya...
organize by zaki,cek na and betty..
ape2 rojer diorang..aku just publish bende ni..
hope semua bleh dtg..
tempat tak kompom lagi..ape bukak link ni..(click here)
Monday, 25 May 2009
w a l i m a t u l u r u s

Posted by pensel.emas at 20:47 1 Kumin*
Labels: wedding card, wedding miss farrah
Monday, 1 December 2008
Kepada kawan2 paling Hapdate (*Update)
sabtu lepas (29/11/2008)..anil and pasangannyer..telah bertunang..
so di harap jgn tunang lama2..ek..semoga bahagia..
nk kawin ckp! ok...hahaha..
lagi joe and rini..
akan melangsungkan pertunangan diorang
pada (27/12/2008)...kat rumah rini..
lokasi aku tak tau...ape2 ko tanya joe..ok..
dlm diam cikgu joe telah merancang pertunangan beliau..heheh
semoga bahagia..juga..
p/s: kepada siapa nk tunang dan akan ditunangkan..sile inform..heheh..
Happy Belated(kuasa 2) Birthday to timmon
Degree show budak2 jr "Voice"
Happy Belated Birthday Boy aka labu
Sory lambat nk ucapkan happy birthday..semalam (1/12/2008)
lately aku buzy ngan kerja..
bukan ade time pun nk post blog pun..
so sory kawan2..aku rasa korang patut sumbangkan ape2 nk post blog
siapa2 yg berminat nk post blog..ckp ngan aku..
nnt aku masukkan korang dlm blog ini..
ape2 rojer aku..ok..
p/s: mana lupe birthday ko kan..aku ingat..
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Job Vacancy
( PAISLEY's subsidiaries comp.)
Be one of PAISLEY's family! ( cewah! hehe )
- Strong understanding of designing site archietectures, user interfaces,and intuitive navigation schemes.
- Passion of accessibility, usability and compatibility, and an eye for improving web pages and visitor experience.
- Must be able to undertake a job from conceptualization right up to final artwork stage.
- Creative, Proactive, Self-Motivated, Responsible and able to meet tight deadlines.
- Candidate must process at least a Diploma or Digree in Art & Design / Creative Multimedia / Advertising / Alternative Media or equivalent.
- Required skill(s) : Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Macromedia Flash, Dreamewaver, HTML, Java Script and CSS.
- Experience in Joomla, Drupal, WordPress or other CMS is preferred.
- At least 1 year of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
- Fresh graduates with the desire to learn is encouraged to apply preferably with exposure to web and multimedia design.
- Applicants should be Malaysian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
- Responsible individual and able to work independently is encouraged to apply.
p/s : monthly salary is between 2K - 3K
PAISLEY Global Marketing Sdn Bhd.
No3, Ground Floor Block 2, Jln Tinju 13/50,
Worldwide Business Centre Section 13,
40675 Shah Alam, Selangor.
Tel:03 5510 4614/ 5512 4614
Fax:03 55109372
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Happy Birthday Anil Ezatul!..
Wah..birthday minah ni ke..
anyway thanks remind aku..aku lama tak update.
sory ramai yg tanya kenapa xupdate blog.
ke'busy'an menyebabkan daku begitu sempit utk meng'update'blog. kalau siapa2 nk update rojer aku
anil umur ko dah 25 lah ek? hihihh.. the way.anil buat majlis pertunangan!
29hb November 2008...
so ade party2..yey! nnt dier bagi aku address
nnt aku update lagi.
p/s: 29 ni..selesailah anil di booking..heheh